Solutions to programs

User guide

Solutions to all the TIME 2 CODE programs and the Pearson Edexcel GCSE 1CP2 Smart Revise 6.1-6.6 questions are available for teachers. We don't put them on a public website because students would have access to them and may submit them as their solution instead of doing the work themselves!

Solutions are available in one of two ways:

Craig'n'Dave premium resources

If you are a Craig'n'Dave member, you can login to the Craig'n'Dave website using your membership credentials and download a zip file of all the .py solutions. Search for "TIME solutions" using the seach facility after you have logged in.

We'll send you a zip file free of charge

Email us to ask for the .py solutions stating that you are a teacher. You MUST include an attachment that contains:

  • Your request on school headed paper.
  • Signed with your signature as verification that you are a teacher.

You can attach either a photograph of the document or a PDF.

Sorry to increase your workload, but you only need to do it once! This simple gate-keeping will help to ensure the integrity of the scheme of learning.

We will reply to the same address with a .zip file. Please ensure your school mail server is configured to allow .zip attachments.