What's new in TIME 2

User guide

What hasn't changed

  • Functions first approach. Structured programming from the start really makes a big difference. Now there is more scaffolding to make the transition easier for students.
  • TIME: Try, Investigate, Make, Evaluate structure to learning. It's PRIMM but our acronym makes more sense!
  • GCSE style real-world scenarios.
  • Encouraging subject specific terminology by using it extensively in explanations.

General changes

  • The TIME scheme is now free for everyone.
  • PowerPoint workbooks have been replaced with a website.
  • Objectives are now called levels for seamless integration with Mission Encodeable.
  • Levels are restructured to be in blocks of three allowing for transition points and delivery at Key Stage 3.
  • Inputs are now required instead of hard-coding data arguments and calling functions.
  • Inputs are in level 1 without validation to make the transition from Key Stage 3 easier.
  • Each level contains 3 learning programs and 6 practice programs.
  • Robust validation has been removed to make progression easier.
  • Basic validation is introduced with condition controlled iterations and string methods.
  • Condition and counter controlled iterations have been split across blocks to make progression easier.
  • 1D and 2D arrays and lists have been split across blocks to make progression easier.
  • Lists are taught earlier because they are more often required in examinations.
  • String manipulation is taught later as they can be seen as arrays of characters which makes indexing strings easier to understand.
  • Assessment point programs are provided with a marking framework.
  • Program extensions are expressed as success criteria for transition to A level.
  • Mostly PEP 8 standard including snake case for identifiers making it easier working in PyCharm.
  • Progress tracking sheet has been updated.
  • Certificates students can download or print when they complete a level.

Learning program changes

  • Some new programs.
  • Try programs are more substantial.
  • Try programs can be run from an online Trinket IDE - no copy and paste required eliminating errors in learning programs.
  • "Live coding" videos replace speech bubble explanations on PowerPoint slides.
  • Answers to investigate questions are included for students to see. These are for learning not assessment.
  • Investigate stage no longer contains a page of subject specific terminology learning points. It was too much to read.
  • Keyword summary is now in a knowledge organiser section with additional support.

Practice program changes

  • Some new programs.
  • A shorter 4-point or longer 6-point scheme.
  • Keyword summary is now in a knowledge organiser section with additional support.
  • Programming guide for each level.
  • Make stage includes extensions to pre-written programs.
  • Differentiated programs reduced from 9 to 6 to make use of the Mission Encodeable integration.
  • Practice programs all follow the same format. Parsons and flowchart activities can be undertaken for any program.
  • Sample output is shown for each program to be used with stepped challenges.
  • Flowcharts are provided for each subprogram for scaffolding.
  • Parsons problems are provided for each subprogram for scaffolding.
  • Evaluate stage does not include test tables, but a framework for these is provided.
  • Update to the oral feedback framework.
  • Unit tests provided.
  • Trace table template provided.
  • Fun extension programs provided by Mission Encodeable.