
User guide

To make full use of this site, schools will need to whitelist the following URLs.


The "live coding" and keyword help videos are hosted on YouTube. There are no advertisements, no sponsorships, and comments are disabled so there are no safeguarding issues if you whitelist the links below.

If you use Smoothwall it is possible to whitelist the complete playlist instead of individual videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCiOXwirraUAy61ais8DH2K3xq3Su-GaR

Sorry, our videos are not hosted on any other platform and are not available on another medium e.g. USB.

Ripping or hosting of any of our TIME 2 CODE content anywhere else, including on your local or remote servers is forbidden.

Using YouTube allows subtitles that help EAL students, provides us with a very reliable streaming platform while allowing us the freedom to update videos to ensure you always have the latest version.

The DfE guidance for school filtering is:

An effective filtering system needs to block internet access to harmful sites and inappropriate content. It should not: 

  • unreasonably impact teaching and learning or school administration
  • restrict students from learning how to assess and manage risk themselves


Blocking YouTube completely will unreasonably impact teaching and learning as students will not be able to access live coding tuition or keyword help videos.

This site

Knowledge organiser files are stored on this site.



Boilerplate code is provided in Trinkets to enable students to run code within this site.


Mission Encodeable

Extension projects are provided by our partner.
