Currency converter

Currency converter

A simple currency conversion utility.

Currency and exchange were important elements of trade in the ancient world, enabling people to buy and sell items like food, pottery, and raw materials. If a Greek coin held more gold than an Egyptian coin due to its size or content, then a merchant could barter fewer Greek gold coins for more Egyptian ones, or for more material goods. This is why, at some point in their history, most world currencies in circulation today had a value fixed to a specific quantity of a recognised standard like silver and gold.


Write a program that converts Great British Pounds (GBP) into Euro, Yuan or Yen.

Use this boilerplate code as a starting point:

Success Criteria

Remember to add a comment before a subprogram or selection statement to explain its purpose.

Complete the subprogram called `exchange` so that:

  1. It returns the amount of money in the chosen currency:
  2. 1 Great British Pounds (GBP) = 1.3 USD (United States Dollars).
  3. 1 Great British Pounds (GBP) = 1.11 Euro.
  4. 1 Great British Pounds (GBP) = 8.92 Yuan.
  5. 1 Great British Pounds (GBP) = 138.44 Yen.

Complete the `main program` so that:

  1. The user can input the number of Great British Pounds.
  2. The user can enter the chosen currency from USD, Euro, Yuan or Yen.
  3. It outputs the amount of money in the chosen currency.

Typical inputs and outputs from the program would be:

Enter the number of Great British Pounds: 200

Enter the currency (USD, Euro, Yuan, Yen): USD

200.0 GBP = 260.0 USD

Enter the number of Great British Pounds: 205

Enter the currency (USD, Euro, Yuan, Yen): Euro

205.0 GBP = 227.55 Euro

Knowledge Organiser

Use these resources as a reference to help you meet the success criteria.

Programming guide:


Run the unit tests below to check that your program has met the success criteria.

Enter the number of Great British Pounds: 150

Enter the currency (USD, Euro, Yuan, Yen): USD

150.0 GBP = 195.0 USD

Enter the number of Great British Pounds: 130

Enter the currency (USD, Euro, Yuan, Yen): Yen

130.0 GBP = 17997.2 Yen

Enter the number of Great British Pounds: 301

Enter the currency (USD, Euro, Yuan, Yen): Euro

301.0 GBP = 334.11 Euro

Enter the number of Great British Pounds: 5

Enter the currency (USD, Euro, Yuan, Yen): Yuan

5.0 GBP = 44.6 Yuan

Check that you have:

  • Used comments within the code to describe the purpose of subprograms and conditions.
  • Used meaningful identifier names. That means the names of subprograms and variables indicate what they are for.

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