A simple measurement conversion utility.
The unica was one-twelfth of a Roman foot. In 1324 the legal definition of the inch was set out in a statute of Edward II of England, defining it as "three grains of barley, dry and round, placed end to end, lengthwise". At various times the inch has also been defined as the combined lengths of 12 poppyseeds. Since 1959 the inch has been defined officially as 2.54cm.
Write a program that converts feet to inches and inches to feet. The user should be prompted to enter the conversion they require.
Use this boilerplate code as a starting point:
Remember to add a comment before a subprogram, selection or iteration statement to explain its purpose.
1. Feet to inches
2. Inches to feet
3. Quit
Enter choice: 1
Enter the number of feet: 3
3.0 feet is 36.0 inches.
1. Feet to inches
2. Inches to feet
3. Quit
Enter choice: 2
Enter the number of inches: 72
72.0 inches is 6.0 feet.
1. Feet to inches
2. Inches to feet
3. Quit
Enter choice: 3
Use these resources as a reference to help you meet the success criteria.
Run the unit tests below to check that your program has met the success criteria.
1. Feet to inches
2. Inches to feet
3. Quit
Enter choice: 1
Enter the number of feet: 2
2.0 feet is 24.0 inches.
1. Feet to inches
2. Inches to feet
3. Quit
Enter choice: 1
Enter the number of feet: 4.5
4.5 feet is 54.0 inches.
1. Feet to inches
2. Inches to feet
3. Quit
Enter choice: 2
Enter the number of inches: 26
26.0 inches is 2.1666666666666665 feet.
1. Feet to inches
2. Inches to feet
3. Quit
Enter choice: 2
Enter the number of inches: 36
36.0 inches is 3.0 feet.
1. Feet to inches
2. Inches to feet
3. Quit
Enter choice: 3
Check that you have: