Convert seconds to hours and minutes.
The number of seconds can also be expressed in hours and minutes.
Write a program that allows the user to enter the number of seconds. The program outputs the number of equivalent hours, minutes and seconds that is.
Use this boilerplate code as a starting point:
Remember to add a comment before a subprogram, selection or iteration statement to explain its purpose.
Enter the number of seconds: 60
0 hours 1 minutes 0 seconds
Enter the number of seconds: 1460
0 hours 24 minutes 20 seconds
Enter the number of seconds: 86000
23 hours 53 minutes 20 seconds
Enter the number of seconds: 4200
1 hours 10 minutes 0 seconds
Use these resources as a reference to help you meet the success criteria.
Run the unit tests below to check that your program has met the success criteria.
Enter the number of seconds: 42
0 hours 0 minutes 42 seconds
Enter the number of seconds: 120
0 hours 2 minutes 0 seconds
Enter the number of seconds: 3600
1 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds
Enter the number of seconds: 65853
18 hours 17 minutes 33 seconds
Check that you have: