

Split a message into multiple parts.

Messaging and social networking apps often require a message to be split into a number of smaller messages. For example, Twitter was once 140 characters per tweet, now called X, it is 280. SMS messages were typically 160 characters.


Write a program that asks the user to enter a message and the maximum number of characters allowed in a single message. The program then outputs a list of each part of the message up to the maximum number of characters for each part.

Use this boilerplate code as a starting point:

Success Criteria

Remember to add a comment before a subprogram, selection or iteration statement to explain its purpose.

Complete the subprogram called `tweets` that:

  1. Takes two parameters, `message`, the message to be processed and `num_chars`, the maximum number of characters per single message.
  2. Returns a list of messages from the original message with each new message containing a maximum of `num_chars` characters.

Complete the `main program` so that:

  1. The user can input the message.
  2. The user can input the maximum number of characters per message.
  3. The list of messages is output.

Typical inputs and outputs from the program would be:

Enter the message: Hello

How many characters per message? :10


Enter the message: Hello, how are you today?

How many characters per message? :10

['Hello, how', ' are you t', 'oday?']

Knowledge Organiser

Use these resources as a reference to help you meet the success criteria.

Programming guide:


Run the unit tests below to check that your program has met the success criteria.

Enter the message: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

How many characters per message? :20

['The quick brown fox ', 'jumps over the lazy ', 'dog.']

Enter the message: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

How many characters per message? :5

['The q', 'uick ', 'brown', ' fox ', 'jumps', ' over', ' the ', 'lazy ', 'dog.']

Enter the message: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

How many characters per message? :26

['The quick brown fox jumps ', 'over the lazy dog.']

Enter the message: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

How many characters per message? :44

['The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.']

Check that you have:

  • Used comments within the code to describe the purpose of subprograms, conditions and iterations.
  • Used meaningful identifier names. That means the names of subprograms and variables indicate what they are for.

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