Partnership with Mission Encodeable

TIME 2 CODE prepares students for examinations but sometimes you just want a little more fun.


Harry & Anna Wake are the team behind Mission Encodeable (not a spelling mistake) - another scheme of learning for Python. Why do you need more than one scheme we hear you ask? Well, TIME 2 CODE was always written with the intention of preparing students for examinations. It covers everything that students need to know from the major English board specifications and programming language subsets.

Sometimes it is helpful to have more programs. For additional learning, recap, challenge and just plain fun! This is where Mission Encodeable shines with additional programs that are fun. Written by students for students.

TIME 2 CODE also presents new concepts through video, replacing the chalk-and-talk the teacher would deliver from the front of the class. While this suits some learners, others would prefer to have textual explanations and examples. Mission Encodeable provides a different way of learning.

What's really unique is that Harry & Anna have agreed to align the levels in Mission Encodeable with the levels in TIME 2 CODE. That means you can dip in and out of either course knowing that everything is perfectly matched. Level 6 in TIME 2 CODE covers the same concepts and has the same prerequisite knowledge as level 6 in Mission Encodeable.

TIME 2 CODE and Mission Encodeable are two sides of the same coin. Neat eh? Find out more here.

Until next time, it is always a good time to code!

Craig & Dave

PS: Have you seen our main Craig'n'Dave website that features our other three products: videos for learning computer science, Smart Revise the course companion and our classroom resources?

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